
What is Equity?

Equity is not the same as equality. Equality is about providing the same to everyone. Equity is supporting someone in the ways they need in order for all of us to achieve the same outcomes.


You may have seen helpful graphics that attempt to explain the difference between equality & equity. Here’s an interesting read about why some graphics can reinforce deficit-thinking of differently abled & racialized folks.


Health & social inequities are created along the lines of interlocking oppressions:

  • racism

  • colonialism

  • sexism

  • heterosexism

  • transphobia

  • classism

  • ageism

  • ableism

Equity-Oriented Care invites health care delivery in ways that names, as well as addresses immediate and root causes of health inequities. Equity-Oriented Care is one tool to support peers/patients & staff to move toward more justice-doing & responsive health care practices.

The aim of Equity-Oriented Care is to name and reduce:

  • health care access barriers,

  • the impacts of interlocking oppressions, and

  • deliver care that meets the needs of people most affected by health and social inequities.

For more detailed information, please visit: https://equiphealthcare.ca/
