Place-making at DCHC

The Downtown Community Health Centre received a City of Vancouver grant to improve our front gates to make them more welcoming. This is informed and instigated by the peers who let us know what makes them feel un/safe with our clinic. Their research and pictures are also on this site.

We want your help to make the front entrance more welcoming!


  • Queer & trans safety

  • Cultural safety

  • 7 sacred teachings (especially love)

  • Indigenous women & families

  • Harm reduction

  • East Van Pride

  • Plants, trees and/or flowers



Gate dimension for long gate under awnings: 22.5 ft x 8ft, smaller decorative gates are 5.5ft x 7.5 ft (there are about 8 of those). The funding is really for the area closest to the park let, so the main gate and possibly a couple of the decorative gates.

Please submit your art and ideas by September 24th. There are prizes for the top submissions. The artist chosen will be compensated and all supplies will be covered. Winner will be announced the first week of October. Art to be completed by end of October ideally.